Green Building Experts in Osterville

Going Green on the Cape

We help you achieve long-term, eco-friendly savings

Your trusted green builders

" With recent changes to the energy codes we discovered that we have been building 'green' for a couple of decades in regard to energy conservation. The codes have finally caught up to us... "

Rogers and Marney - Cape Cod's Trusted Green Builders

Rogers & Marney, Inc. will go the extra mile to assure that your house is as green as you wish. Going green doesn't have to mean weird toilets, inconvenient designs and out-of-sight building costs.

There are many simple, common sense steps that can be taken to ensure a green home. For example, we encourage your home to be beneficially sited for passive heating and maximum day-lighting. We suggest your designer create an integrated design and encourage your landscape plan to employ native species to save on irrigation.

Your engineer may consider the installation of rain gardens and dry wells, rain barrels and roof gutters that manage storm water run-off. Efficient ventilation is key to an economical home, so we insist on that. The structural envelope should maximize air barriers, implement appropriate insulation, and employ efficient framing and walls.

Once your home is designed, we will specify that site debris and waste will be minimized. We make every effort to recycle items being replaced during remodeling.

All these simple steps will help you achieve an acceptable level of "green" and long-term savings in your home.


445 Osterville West Barnstable Road
P.O. Box 310
Osterville, MA 02655


Phone: 508.428.6106
Fax: 508.420.3550

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